Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Abstract of keyloggers

Keyloggers are type of a rootkit malware that capture typed keystroke events of the keyboard and save into log file, therefore, it is able to intercept sensitive information such as usernames, PINs, and passwords, thus transmits into malicious attacker without attracting the attention of users. Using this approach, an attacker can obtain valuable data without cracking into a hardened database or file server. Keylogging presents a special challenge to security managers.Unlike traditional worms and viruses, certain types of keyloggers are all but impossible to detect.
A keylogger is a tool which is implemented to acquire the keystrokes entered by using keyboard. It is also a battery sized tool which is connected between keyboard and computer.The main purpose behind keylogger tool is to keep monitor that work computers are used for business and other purpose.
Keyloggers presents a major threat to business transactions and personal activities such E-commerce, online banking, email chatting, and system database.A password is a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain access on website. That password access can either be an application, a network, documents, and data ina computer system. Generally, a password should consist of something that is hard to guess, so that it will remain a secret. We can authorise that password with our keylogger program.
This paper presents an overview of keylogger programs, types, characteristics of keyloggers, we look at the various types of keyloggers and how they differ and methodology they use. Keyloggers have been widely used by hackers as a tool to steal information and passwords from users in e-commerce.

Keywords : Keylogger,Software, virtual keyboard

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

GSM based SMS Alert Fire Alarm System using Arduino



           In this article,we are going to build a Fire Alarm System using Arduino, LM35 Temperature Sensor and GSM Module. The objectives of this fire detector using arduino is to sense the surroundings for occurrence of fire with help of LM35 temperature sensor, and send 3 SMS alerts to two mobile numbers stored inside the arduino program if fire is detected (using GSM Module).

              We have developed a very good tutorial on how to interface GSM Module with Arduino and send/receive SMS using GSM module. Interfacing any device with a micro controller is the first step to building a useful system or project with that particular device. In this tutorial, we are going to build a very interesting project – a Fire Alarm System which will send SMS to a set of Mobile Numbers when fire occurs in a particular location. 
          We have seen many typical Fire Alarm projects which will alert with a siren or that activates an automatic shutdown mechanism. This fire alarm project make use of modern communication technologies to deal with emergencies. 

Applications of SMS based Fire Alarm System

1. SMS based Fire Alarm system are very useful in remote locations where human interaction is limited. Such systems are useful in mines, industrial areas, factories etc.
2. Night Owl – We all know owls don’t sleep during night. SMS based Fire Alarm system helps to monitor locations and alert during fire that occurs in night time.
So here is our program to monitor Fire Accident and to monitor the Shut Down Process (that should happen after a fire accident)!
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); 
SoftwareSerial mySerial(9, 10);

int sensor=A1;
float temp_read,Temp_alert_val,Temp_shut_val;
int sms_count=0,Fire_Set;

void setup()

void loop()

void CheckFire()
lcd.print("Fire Scan - ON");
 SetAlert(); // Function to send SMS Alerts

float CheckTemp()
temp_read=analogRead(sensor); // reads the sensor output (Vout of LM35)
temp_read=temp_read*5;    // converts the sensor reading to temperature
temp_read=temp_read/10;  // adds the decimal point
return temp_read; // returns temperature value in degree celsius

void SetAlert()
while(sms_count<3) //Number of SMS Alerts to be sent
SendTextMessage(); // Function to send AT Commands to GSM module
lcd.print("Fire Alert! SMS Sent!");

void CheckShutDown()

lcd.print("Fire Shut! SAFE NOW");

void SendTextMessage()
  mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1");    //To send SMS in Text Mode
  mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+919544xxxxxx\"\r"); // change to the phone number you using 
  mySerial.println("Fire in NEW ROOM!");//the content of the message
  mySerial.println((char)26);//the stopping character
   mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+919847xxxxxx\"\r"); // change to the phone number you using 
  mySerial.println("Fire in NEW ROOM!");//the content of the message
  mySerial.println((char)26);//the message stopping character